Let me spoil the answer for you: Veldspar is the best source for Tritanium, which is basically the industrial steel of EVE. While Scordite ore has other minerals in it, those can be found in other areas of space more easily. To get enough Tritanium, most people either run their own hisec fleets or buy Veldspar off the market, then ship it to wherever they need it and mine everything else locally.
Let me spoil the answer for you: Veldspar is the best source for Tritanium, which is basically the industrial steel of EVE. While Scordite ore has other minerals in it, those can be found in other areas of space more easily. To get enough Tritanium, most people either run their own hisec fleets or buy Veldspar off the market, then ship it to wherever they need it and mine everything else locally.